Renowned Belgian designer Glenn Martens has officially been named the new creative director of Maison Margiela, following John Galliano’s departure from the house in late 2024. This pivotal announcement was made on January 29, 2025, signaling a fresh chapter for the avant-garde brand, which has long been a pillar of innovative fashion. Martens, celebrated for his transformative work at Diesel since 2020 and his previous tenure at Y/Project, brings to Maison Margiela a vision rooted in creativity, sustainability, and artisanal craftsmanship.
Martens’ journey through the fashion industry has been marked by his unique ability to merge streetwear with high fashion, a trait that was evident during his time at Y/Project, where he was known for revitalizing vintage denim and introducing playful, statement pieces. His move to Diesel saw him infuse the brand with a new energy, leading to critically acclaimed collections and a strong market presence. This experience has positioned him as an ideal candidate to lead Maison Margiela into its next phase.
The connection between Martens and Maison Margiela is not just professional but also educational; both Martens and Martin Margiela, the brand’s founder, are alumni of Antwerp’s Royal Academy of Fine Arts. This shared background hints at a potential synergy in philosophy and approach that could further elevate the house’s distinctive style, which has always been about deconstruction, anonymity, and pushing the boundaries of fashion norms.
Renzo Rosso, chairman of OTB Group, which owns Maison Margiela, has publicly endorsed Martens, expressing confidence in his ability to steer the brand towards new heights. Martens has reciprocated this trust by acknowledging the honor and responsibility of leading such an iconic label, promising to blend his innovative touch with Margiela’s storied heritage.
The fashion community is eagerly anticipating how Martens will reinterpret Maison Margiela’s ethos. His knack for sustainability, seen in his past work through the innovative use of materials, suggests a future where Margiela could become more accessible while still maintaining its high-fashion allure. His dual roles at Diesel and Maison Margiela underscore his influence and the high esteem in which he is held within the industry.
While the specifics of Martens’ first collection for Maison Margiela are yet to be revealed, the fashion world watches with bated breath for what could be a defining moment in the house’s history. This appointment not only signifies a change in leadership but also promises a continuation of Maison Margiela’s legacy of pushing fashion’s creative boundaries, potentially ushering in a new era of Margiela magic under Martens’ direction.